Good heavens, abcd, I don’t know when I’ve last been called sweet or accused of ‘molly-coddling’ anyone. The fact is that it’s pragmatic to keep people IN the discussion in a college classroom because they’re not learning the material if they’ve checked out. That’s what creating a respectful environment is all about. As I’ve mentioned here, the numbers of students who actually feel they “shouldn’t have to” study things that offend them are very small. And no, they don’t get a pass from me at all. They need to find some way to address the material and usually they decide for themselves that following my plan is going to be easier than inventing something else. Now, being prepare to handle difficult material is another matter entirely. What some (like you, perhaps?) accomplish when banning “political correctness” is to ensure that certain voices aren’t heard at all in the classroom. As numerous other writers have suggested, it’s often possible to substitute the term “Political correctness” with “treating others with respect” and end up with a truer sentence. (There’s even a Chrome ap that will do this for you. That’s what I’ve actually witnessed: everyone learns more when people are treated with respect and a broader range of voices engage the lesson.
Otherwise, seems like you didn’t much engage the ideas of the article if you think I’m just being kind-hearted, but wrong. Your points don’t hold up in actual dialogue with what the article already says…